PPSR legislative review report now available
As part of the Australian Government’s delivery of the Personal Property Securities Register, a review of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 has been completed.
The Government commissioned Mr Bruce Whittaker to conduct the review and his report was tabled in the Australian Senate 18 March 2015. A PDF version of the report is available for download from the review website at www.ag.gov.au/ppsareview.
Mr Whittaker found that the Act has improved consistency in Australia’s secured transactions but that more work can be done to improve the workings of the Act, to remove complexity and to better accommodate the operating practices of the Australian marketplace.
The report includes a number of recommendations for improvements to the accessibility and performance of the Act and improvements to the Personal Property Securities Register.
The final report, interim report, submissions, consultation papers and other review materials remain available at http://www.ag.gov.au/Consultations/Pages/StatutoryreviewofthePersonalPropertySecuritiesAct2009.aspx